Ricardo portrait

Hi, I'm Aditya. I'm a Frontend Developer Creating magic for users with React (NextJS). I love learning about exciting new tech and creating unique value propositions by working upon challenging projects

About me

I'm currently in my final year pursuing B.Tech My favorite part of programming is the problem-solving aspect. I love the feeling of finally figuring out a solution to a problem. My core stack is React, Next.js, and TS. For styling projects I use TailwindCSS. I am always looking forward to learn new technologies. I am currently working at StellarByte as a software developer, where I get to work on a diverse range of products.

When I'm not coding, I enjoy watching watching films, more specifically I love horrors and comedies.

My projects

Form Builder

Easily create forms with this, publish and share them with ease, along with that keep track of the submissions.

  • Next.js(APP Router)
  • Prisma
  • PostgreSQL
  • Zod
  • Tailwind

SpaceX Web App

Utilized SpaceX API for this, through this the user can get complete info. about Capsules, Dragons, Crews, Rockets etc.

  • React.JS
  • Tailwind
  • SpaceX API
  • Custom Hooks


Implemented various animations using Framer Motion with this project resulting in a very smooth UI

  • Next.js
  • TailwindCSS
  • Framer Motion

Color Pallete Displayer

Lays out the hex codes of the uploaded image which others can copy-paste and use in their project. ONLY FOR DESKTOP VIEW RIGHT NOW.

  • Next.js
  • Color Thief Package

My skills

My experience

Please contact me directly at fedelio.0507@gmail.com